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The process of a lich being born is a complex and dark ritual, often pursued by powerful and malevolent spellcasters seeking immortality at any cost. Here's a detailed description of how a lich is born:
The journey towards lichdom begins with a powerful spellcaster who seeks to transcend the limitations of mortal life. Typically, these individuals are already adept at necromancy or other dark arts, and their thirst for power and immortality drives them to pursue the forbidden path of lichdom.
Before attempting the transformation, the aspiring lich must first acquire the knowledge and resources necessary to perform the ritual. This often involves delving into ancient tomes, consulting with dark powers, and seeking out hidden artifacts and ingredients.
Central to the process of becoming a lich is the creation of a phylactery, a magical object that serves as the vessel for the lich's soul. The aspiring lich must craft or acquire a suitable container, often made from rare and precious materials, and imbue it with powerful enchantments.
With the phylactery prepared, the aspiring lich is ready to perform the ritual that will transform them into an undead being. The specifics of the ritual can vary widely, but it typically involves the use of dark magic, sacrificial offerings, and the consumption of rare and forbidden substances.
One of the most crucial components of the ritual is the sacrifice of a sentient being. The aspiring lich must take the life force of another creature and bind it to their own soul, fueling the transformation into undeath.
As the ritual reaches its climax, the aspiring lich undergoes a profound transformation, shedding their mortal flesh and becoming a being of pure necrotic energy. Their soul is bound to the phylactery, ensuring that even if their physical form is destroyed, they will be able to return again and again until their phylactery is destroyed.
With the ritual complete, the newly born lich awakens to their new existence. They are now an immortal being, free from the limitations of age and mortality, but cursed to exist in a state of undeath for eternity.
The process of becoming a lich is not only physically and mentally taxing but also morally reprehensible, as it often involves the sacrifice of innocent lives and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. As such, liches are among the most feared and reviled creatures in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, wielding vast power and knowledge but at a terrible cost.
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